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Ampolon Ventures: Innovation for the future of living and working by Ampolon Ventures

Over the past few decades technology has disrupted many industries such as travel, hospitality, logistics, retail, etc. Real Estate industry however has remained largely untouched. Globally, there was a total of $14 Billion worth of investment in the PropTech in 2019, this is much less compared to the capital that has flowed into markets such as FinTech, Urban mobility, and Food delivery. Closer home, in Europe, a total of $500 Million has been invested in PropTech startups in 2019. The untapped potential of the Real-estate makes it an obvious choice as the next frontier to conquer. Ampolon Ventures, the venture-arm of Aareon Group – Europes’ leading consulting and systemshouse for the property industry, is extremely enthusiastic about businesses built in this space that will improve the future of living and working for millions in Europe and beyond.

Building completely new innovative solutions for a traditional market is hard work. As much as a fresh perspective is an advantage, one also requires strong domain understanding to come up with creative solutions generating added value for users. We strongly believe that experienced startup Founders can bring that external perspective while we can offer the necessary stewardship about the domain along with the capital and access to our industry network.

Ramin Scharifi, CEO at foxxbee and a participant from our recently concluded batches says „Building an early-stage startup requires focus and execution power. A talented team that believes in the company’s vision and access to resources for achieving product-market-fit are key – we found this entrepreneurial mindset and support within Ampolon Ventures. We have a great network of experienced individuals and entrepreneurs supporting us on operational tasks and on sparring new ideas so that we can execute fast and focus on the company’s success.”

Innovation is a singular destination with multiple paths to it. Together with ambitious entrepreneurs, we can build the businesses of the future. Through continuous feedback and iteration, we have devised an 8-week founders program, where founders team up and work closely with Ampolon Ventures to build an investable business case. During the program, together with the founder teams, we develop the ideas from a spark to a well thought out business proposition, with sufficient validation through expert interviews, online marketing tests, and direct feedback from potential customers.

There is enough capital out there in the market, however for a business to succeed, availability of early customers, and deep market insights coupled with strong execution is essential. As JeanManuel Leonardi, COO  at foxxbee and also one of the participants from our program says “ In my opinion, one of the most important factors for starting a successful startup is a beginners-mindset and an outstanding team. This is exactly what we have found in the Ampolon Ventures Team. The team’s strong entrepreneurial skills enabled us to develop a rough idea into a strong business model very quickly. On the first day itself, we had an incredible team dynamic, even though we were working fully remote during the COVID-19 lockdown.


Ampolon Ventures is currently helping two of its portfolio companies ophigo and foxxbee scale, along with multiple other teams that are currently building their investment case as part of the program.

If you are interested to learn more about our approach or build your next venture with us, please do get in touch by sending us a message to or sign up here.


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